EXCLUSIVE Random Weirdness 4: Abject Horror

This week one of your beloved hosts is recovering from a lil illness you may have heard of, so we wanted to give you a peek inside the unhinged world of our Patreon! Please enjoy us talking about weird animal poop and a strange butt scandal- and if you want more go to Patreon.com/noneofthisisreal

We’ll be back next week with new episodes, but in the meantime believe all over yourself!

None of This is Real
REPLAY Episode 102: Old Timey Medicine

This week one of your beloved hosts is recovering from a lil illness you may have heard of, so we hope you enjoy this replay of one of our grossest episodes. Don’t worry, we promise not to try any of these “remedies” or “treatments" on Sarah Sinkhole!

None of This is Real